<aside> 📌 There are so many resources for games accessibility out there, but nothing that is centralised, updated with new information and links regularly, and open for others to submit links to.
The Games Accessibility Knowledgebase or the GAK for short, aims to fix this issue by being a live, centralised location for the endless and ever evolving information and knowledge regarding games accessibility.
The knowledgebase is not exhaustive, new links are curated and added bi-weekly, and links are checked for accuracy on a monthly basis.
To use the GAK - Click the toggle headers for each category to reveal the relevant resources. You can then click on the link at the bottom of each item to go to the resource itself.
Categories may be changed in the future to account for larger grouping of resource.
<aside> 💸 If you would like to support the knowledgebase, you can send a tip on Ko-fi!
<aside> 🐱 The GAK is organised and run by Harriet Frayling - Project Lead & Accessibility Consultant at Many Cats Studios.
<aside> ✅ Submit a Link to the Games Accessibility Knowledgebase
<aside> ❓ Submit suggestions or feedback
<aside> ♿ If you have any access requirements to utilise the knowledgebase - please email [email protected]
<aside> ⚠️ A Downloadable CSV of the GAK is available here
<aside> 👉 The GAK Roadmap is here!